Type III (DIN 55992)
The Heubach Dustmeter is a monitoring/feedback device designed to help control the dust properties of bulks, powders, granules and fibers, with the unique ability to simulate an array of mechanical handling scenarios.

The Heubach Dustmeter Type III was originally developed in cooperation with leading groups of the chemical industry to measure the dust abrasion of enzymes in granules.
Mechanical shearing is applied to the test material by agitation balls, which are driven in a circular motion in a sieve basket by the impellor (see video).
A constant airstream from below carries airborne particles through the air column onto a glass fiber filter. The filter is weighed before and after the test, and put into relation with the sample size. This gives the results ion how dusty the sample material is.
Any controls, are designed to be variable. Rotation speed can vary from 0-60 rpm, airflow from 0-40ls/min, and the test duration is variable as well.